Having a huge collection of wallpapers? Would like to vary your desktop with cool new wallpapers? Try Wallpaper Cycler and you won't imagine your computer without it anymore!
Wallpaper Cycler is a wallpaper software that will help you change wallpaper on your desktop. Using this powerful background changer you can use all your favorite images as wallpapers.
Wallpaper Cycler supports a lot of image formats are supported, such as JPG, JPE, BMP, DIB, RLE, TIF, PNG, TGA, ICB, VDA, VST, JP2 (JPEG2000), JPC, PCX, DCX, PNM, PGM, PBM, PPM, RAS, ICO, ANI, EMF, WMF and GIF.
Wallpaper Cycler program has all necessary tools to blow your desktop's mind! You can make your wallpapers look more creative by adding filters and effects and adding attractive frames to the photos used as background.
Wallpaper Cycler can place an adjustable calendar right on your desktop. You can customize it any way you like: highlight weekends, birthdays and other important dates, choose the skin from the default set, customize it or create your own one.
You can even add an object multiple times on the desktop each with their own settings. For example: you can add 1 calendar for the current month and another calendar to show the next month.